Let’s get this Montessori party started!

Close up of toddler using glue to attach ripped paper pieces to Montessori artwork project

I’m so glad you’re here mama!  This blog is the result of over a decade of experience using the Montessori method with children in a home setting.

Headshot of author leaning on fence

In 2009, I moved to Southern California and began nannying for a family whose daughter attended a Montessori preschool.  Intrigued by the approach the school used to foster a love of learning & encourage independence, I had to learn more.

The first thing I did was get my hands on every Montessori book I could at the local library, and that began my journey with this amazing education method.  It led me to use Montessori with every family I worked for over the next 7 years.

I was so grateful that I had had the opportunity to learn all about the method during my time as a nanny (while basically getting to practice on other peoples kids!).

They would blossom when given the right tools & guidance; often surprising their own parents with their pint-sized accomplishments.

When I was lucky enough to start my own family, I knew that I would be using Montessori right from the very beginning.

Black and white photo of mother with sleeping baby on her chest


If a quick search on Pinterest has left you feeling drowning in information, consider this your life preserver.  I’ll be here, throwing you a life line and giving you tried and true tips that have come from my own experience & knowledge.

Montessori circles can come off a little exclusive & judgmental; I’ve certainly run across some Facebook groups that have members who seem happy to wag their finger from their high horse when all a mom is doing is looking for a little support.

Motherhood & parenting is a lot of responsibility, and is FULL of a million different decisions that can feel like they’re going to affect our children “for the rest of their lives”.

My hope is that this blog will be your favorite place to get straight talk and solid advice as you work to instill a love of learning & the pride of independence in your little one’s life. (Don’t forget to bookmark this site :: wink :: ) 

“The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind.”

Maria Montessori, Education and Peace. 


This space is for you if have tried to read a Montessori book and felt like it was over your head, & you just wish that someone would tell you what toys to buy, which activities to do, & what approach to use.

I love helping moms of babies and toddlers figure out how to make the most of the Montessori method to make their lives easier, unlock the secrets to their child’s learning potential, & raise capable kids who thrive.

So, if you’ve ever felt like there is so much info out there and just become paralyzed and do nothing.  Or found it very time consuming to find activities appropriate for your child’s age and interests and difficult to organize ideas for the future.  Don’t worry mama, I’ve got you.

Close up of toddler using glue to attach ripped paper pieces to Montessori artwork project
Developing fine motor skills with paper gluing activity


  • Quick and easy to understand breakdowns of key Montessori principles. 
  • Modern ways to use Montessori at home; practical tips for busy mamas.
  • Tried & true activity ideas for your kids and how to make sure they love them. 
  • Real life examples of setups throughout the home that can be tailored to your family.
  • Time saving supply shopping lists.
Montessori styled reading nook with small chair and wall mounted bookshelf with displayed books
Montessori reading nook

I know that it’s hard to find the time and energy to put into prepared activities like what you see on Instagram.  It can be discouraging to spend ages researching and then attempting to make activities for your child which they either don’t find interesting or destroy in 20 seconds.

You won’t find a lot of focus on academics here, but the foundations for learning are built through everyday behavior that will support the learning process down the line.  There are a surprising amount of activities in Montessori practice that support pre-reading & writing skills without flash cards, or academic style drills.

My goal with this blog is to be a place that you can come back to as your child grows and you can continue to get guidance, support, & inspiration.  Each week I’ll have a new post for you, & along the way I’d love to hear your feedback.  Your questions, comments, & suggestions are always welcome.

This will also be the first stop for any new & exciting developments with my course offerings and Montessori resources.  To say thank you for your support, download my free 14 Days to a More Montessori Home plan.  You’ll have an easy daily to-do list that will get your Montessori home off to a great success.

I’m really excited to have the opportunity to reach more moms out there, & create a welcoming community of Montessori loving families.  Until next time! 


Overhead shot of mother, father, & 2 young children lying on blanket
Our little family

One response to “Let’s get this Montessori party started!”

  1. mary Avatar

    Awesome 😘